SBIR News & Deadlines

April 20, 2024 | Community Events and News, MTI News

The Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs are the largest source of early-stage, high-risk technology financing in the United States. Eleven federal agencies participate in this program to provide over $4 billion for the early-stage research and development projects leading to commercialization of products, processes or services.

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)programs are highly competitive by providing non-dilutive funding for the development of innovative technology and charting a path to commercialization. The programs encourage entrepreneurs and domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D), while increasing the competitiveness of the U.S. economy.  MTI provides an interactive assessment tool to help you determine whether your company is a good fit and if, so, excellent proposal support for these applications.  Check out MTI’s SBIR page for more information on the process.  Deadlines for upcoming opportunities are listed here, but we encourage you to visit the federal websites yourself as dates occasionally change.

Active and Upcoming Solicitations

Environmental Protection Agency

Date: Estimated release date: June 26, 2024, with proposals due August 21, 2024

US Department of Agriculture

Date: Active now with a two year solicitation. An update is estimated to be released in July, 2024 with proposals due ~September 17, 2024

Department of Commerce – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Date: Estimated release date: September 2024

Department of Homeland Security

Date: Estimated release date: October 2024

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Date: Estimated release date: October 2024

National Science Foundation SBIR/STTR 2023

Proposals Due: NSF accepts pitches anytime and provides a response within about 30 days. NSF has 31 broad topic areas. Must submit Project Pitch to receive invitation to submit full proposal. MTI can help with your Project Pitch!

National Institutes of Health SBIR/STTR

NIH has an Omnibus solicitation with three due dates: September 5, January 5 and April 5. Note: NIH also has various SBIR/STTR opportunities listed with a focus on special topics. NIH also has a contract solicitation. Visit MTI’s website to review an NIH 3-part webinar series with helpful information about the NIH SBIR/STTR programs.

Department of Defense SBIR/STTR BAAs

SBIR 24.3 and STTR 24.C topics will be pre-released August 21,2024 and  open September 18, 2024 and close October 16, 2024. Other components may have open solicitations throughout the year with various due dates.

Department of Energy

Proposals Due: DOE will release its FY2025 Release 1 Topics on July 8, 2024 and the full Funding Opportunity Announcement will be released on August 5, 2024. Mandatory Letters of Intent (LOI) will be due August 26, 2024, with full proposals due October 8, 2024. Must submit LOI to be eligible to submit a full proposal.

Past Deadlines

Below are opportunities that have passed and will open again in early 2025.

areas. Must submit Project Pitch to receive invitation to submit full proposal. MTI can help with your Project Pitch


Proposals Due: NASA released its solicitation on January 9, 2024. Proposals were due March 11, 2024.

Department of Transportation

Proposals Due: SBIR 24.1 Pre-solicitation announcement including topics, released on January 4, 2024. The full solicitation was released on February 9, 2024. Due date was March 7, 2024.