MTI Announces Expanded Access for Maine Businesses Seeking to Fund their Growth

February 14, 2013

Maine Technology Institute has announced additional monthly Office Days to expand access for entrepreneurs and growing businesses across the state that are seeking funding to develop their technologies and grow their businesses. The additional Office Days include upcoming Office Days at the Eastern Maine Development Corporation in Bangor (February 21) and at UMaine’s Foster Center for Student Innovation in Orono (March 7).  MTI expanded Office Days to the Casco Bay Tech Hub in Portland late last year.

“Since we began our monthly Office Days a year ago at the Target Technology Center in Orono, we have met and counseled numerous entrepreneurs who would otherwise have not had a way to meet with the MTI team face-to-face,” explained Joe Migliaccio, Manager of the MTI Business Innovation team. “The quality of these connections has proven quite valuable to the entrepreneurs as they seek to understand the potential of their innovations, the range of funding options and the coaching available for their growth.”
BANGOR OFFICE HOURS – February 21 –   – 2:00-4:00 pm

MTI Consultant Martha Bentley will be available at the offices of Eastern Maine Development Corporation from 2 – 4:00 PM.  To make an appointment, please contact Patti Sutter at 207-588-1019 or by email, [email protected]

PORTLAND OFFICE HOURS – March 5 –   10:00 am – 4:00 pm

MTI staff will be available at the Casco Bay Tech Hub at 30 Danforth St. Suite 207, Portland from 10:00 – 4:00.  To make an appointment contact Jessica Watson at 207-588-1015 or [email protected]. 

ORONO OFFICE HOURSMarch 7 – 9:30 am – 3:30 pm   (with SBIR/STTR Program Roundtable Discussion)

MTI Consultant Karen West will be available at the Foster Center for Student Innovation at UMaine in Orono from 9:30 – 3:30. From 12:15-1:30 Karen will hold an informal roundtable discussion about the SBIR/STTR program, including ways to determine if your technology will fit a program and how to prepare a competitive proposal. To make an appointment contact Jessica Watson at 207-588-1015 or [email protected].




February 21 –   Cluster Initiative Program Workshop (Bangor) 1-2:00 PM

Join MTI Consultant Martha Bentley for a workshop at the offices of Eastern Maine Development Corporation to learn more about the Cluster Initiative Program. Please register online.

February 25 – TechStart and Seed Grant Lunch and Learn (Brunswick) 12-1:00 PM

The focus of this free workshop will be the application process for these early stage funding components of the Business Innovation Program. Lunch will be provided. Register online.

February 28 – Cluster Initiative Program Workshop (Portland) 11:00 – Noon

Join MTI Consultant Martha Bentley for a workshop at the Maine International Trade Center, 511 Congress St. in Portland to learn more about the Cluster Initiative Program. Please register online

March 5 – Cluster Initiative Program Webinar (online) 1-2:00 PM

This webinar will focus on the application process for the Cluster Initiative Program.  CIP awards up to $50,000 for feasibility and planning and up to $500,000 for collaborative initiatives that boast the strength and scale of Maine’s high-potential technology intensive clusters. Register online.

March 12 – Identifying Funding & Resources to Bring Your Technology to Market – SBA/FAST Workshop (Belfast) 10:00-2:00

This free workshop, funded in part through grants from the Federal Small Business Innovation Research, the Small Business Technology Transfer Research and UMaine Innovation Engineering and Resources, will help new and existing businesses innovate and bring promising products, processes or services to market.  The workshop will run from 10:00 – 2:00 at the UMaine Hutchinson Center in Belfast.  Lunch will be provided.

Please register for all workshops online at the MTI website at and refer to the “Dates and Deadlines” section for the specific workshop.

Maine Technology Institute funds Maine entrepreneurs and companies who engage technology to develop innovative products and connects them to resources to help them grow sustainable enterprises.