Algae-based Nutrients for Pets (and, soon, their People)

May 22, 2024 | Featured Clients

PhytoSmart founder Deena Sisitsky has always been a firm believer in “We are what we eat” and recognizing that life expectancy in America is decreasing in the 21st century, she began a search to explain the decline of our public health by looking to history for the answer. Drawing on her pharma background, interest in nutrition, health and lifelong love of pets, she reached out to PhytoSmart co-founder Hiro Hara. Hiro is a scientist, who grew up in a veterinary family and who understood the value of nutrients found only in fresh foods, the fresh foods that are so important to keep pets and people active and vital throughout life.
Together they founded PhytoSmart with the mission to sustainably produce vital phytonutrients that are essential to pets and people. They first focused on marine omega-3 fatty acids and looked to its ubiquitous source – species of ocean algae. Five years of research and development resulted in their patented sterile technology which continuously grows sustainable, safe and highly bioavailable forms of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
 ZipZyme™ (soon to be rebranded as PhytoSmart) supports pet health from the inside out by providing nutritionally available omega-3 fatty acids with no additives and is the only omega-3 product available that is a whole cell food and not extracted oil.
PhytoSmart received a development loan from MTI as well as two small grants, and most recently technical assistance from MTI’s SBIR team which helped them win both a Phase I and a Phase II SBIR grant.
“The SBIR team at MTI was extremely helpful for us when we applied for SBIR funding,” said founder Deena Sisitsky.  “I’m grateful for the SBIR team’s assistance, they helped us be smart and ultimately successful with our SBIR grant applications, and really helped launch our research and development.”