MTI Welcomes Two New Staff and Reluctantly Says Goodbye to Another

Kurt Vonnegut once wrote, “It’s the emptiest and yet the fullest of all human messages: Goodbye.” Longtime MTI contractor and employee Martha Bentley has accepted a new position with the Maine Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) and will start in the new role on July 1. While we are all thrilled for Martha,… Read more »

It’s Time Again to Start it Up!

Maine’s annual three day “Startup Maine” Conference Convenes June 19th Mainers are always thrilled when the month of June rolls around.  It’s the official start of summer in Vacationland and we all joyously unpack and unwrap our barbeque grills, lawnmowers, boats, motorcycles and convertibles to commence months of escapades and experiences in one of the… Read more »

Maine Measures of Growth, Accolades and Upcoming Events

As always, there have been quite a few updates and news stories in Maine’s innovation economy since I last wrote. From an insightful and thorough look at our state’s performance, to some exciting announcements from a few of the organizations that help drive growth in Maine, there’s a great deal I want to share. So,… Read more »

MTI Recognized by the SBA as 2019 Maine Financial Services Champion of the Year

All of us at the Maine Technology Institute (MTI) were honored and excited to learn recently that MTI has been named the Small Business Administration’s 2019 Maine Financial Services Champion of the Year.  Some of the criteria for the award include “the amount and quality of assistance given to small businesses to obtain financing, advocacy… Read more »