What we’re looking forward to during MSCW 2015

by Betsy Peters, MTI Entrepreneur in Residence There is nothing like the energy that comes from getting a group of innovators and entrepreneurs together. The creativity and optimism that are a byproduct of these collisions can often give you a glimpse into the limitless nature of human potential. Maine Startup and Create Week begins Monday… Read more »

Highly Anticipated Summer Events on Horizon

John Muir once wrote, “Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.” Consistent with Muir’s words, the Maine Technology Institute is eagerly working and making preparations this spring for two highly anticipated summer events in the innovation ecosystem.   First, the staff and board are finalizing arrangements for TechWalk 2015 – MTI’s annual opportunity to… Read more »

Greetings from MTI

As I noted in August, I am committed to ensuring that MTI continues to function as a vital lynchpin in helping to “encourage, promote, stimulate and support research and development activity leading to the commercialization of new products and services” in Maine. I hope you feel, as I do, that MTI has functioned proficiently during… Read more »