Racking up as many wins as the athletes they help
Grant | $60k

unique sensors
degree range of motion tracking
MTI always encourages young startups to engage with as many organizations and resources as they can. Doing so not only increases their knowledge, experience and network, it significantly increases their likelihood of success.
Which is a great sign for Portland-based KinoTek. Barely a year old, this athletic training and fitness software company has already connected with (and impressed) MTI and several of our partners. In March, they won the $25,000 grand prize at the MTI-sponsored Greenlight Maine Collegiate Challenge. A few months later, they were named a finalist for Launchpad’s Emerging Ideas award. They followed that up by joining Startup Maine’s select group of Maine technology companies to attend TechCrunch’s Disrupt conference in San Francisco. Then, in October, they were one of four companies named to Scratchpad Accelerator’s 2019 cohort.
Now, MTI is investing in the company that began as a research project at the University of Maine. With further development of their augmented reality, virtual reality and motion capture technology, KinoTek will bring to market an increased understanding of how the human body moves and help reduce the chance of sports related injuries.