Driving innovation by building networks on which ideas move
Multiple Awards | $702,737

Years on the Inc. 5000
Employees headquartered in Maine
Infrastructure has always been critical to economic prosperity and the exchange of goods, services and ideas. Ships need ports, trains require rails and trucks must have roads. Our innovation economy is no different. For it to thrive, it needs the right infrastructure to support it.
Tilson, headquartered in Portland, is on a mission to build our country’s information infrastructure. With help from MTI, they’re investing in assets to take on network deployment and information technology projects across the country. In turn, they’re increasing their competitiveness, creating more engineering jobs in Maine and developing new processes — such as automating broadband network engineering.
Playing such a pivotal role in the success of our economy has resulted in some headline grabbing successes of their own. In the fall of 2019 they partnered with Microsoft on a rural broadband project, Governor Janet Mills mentioned their role in the state’s 10-year economic plan and, most recently, they were named a corporate partner of Northeastern University’s new research institute opening in Portland.