And the Winner of January’s Big Gig….

(From Stephanie Noyes of 360 Sleeves won the second virtual Big Gig pitch-off of the season. She pitched a battery-powered sleeve that warms the hands and forearms using proprietary technology. Stephanie received $500 and will move on to pitch in the Finale for $5,000! Sponsored in part by MTI. Read more »

Startup bluShift Aerospace launches its 1st commercial biofuel rocket from Maine

(From The world's first commercial booster powered by biofuel was launched from Maine. The Brunswick-based startup, bluShift Aerospace launched its first rocket prototype, called Stardust 1.0, despite freezing temperatures and two false starts. In addition to team members investing their own money into the project, the company received funding from MTI and NASA. Read more »

Farmhand Automation raises $290K ahead of pilot

(From Maine Startups Insider) Farmhand Automation, a Biddeford-based startup developing robotic and AI tools for small-scale farms, has raised $290,000 ahead of its first fully autonomous trials with farmers. This funding is on top of a $75,000 grant the company received in October 2020 from MTI and $200,000 in exploratory capital and grants the company raised in 2019. Read more »