Board of Directors

Maine’s Governor appoints ten voting directors, eight of whom must be representatives of targeted technologies. The other two directors must have demonstrated significant experience in finance, lending or venture capital. In making the appointments from targeted technologies, the Governor considers recommendations submitted by representatives of targeted technology sectors.

The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development or the commissioner’s designee, the President of the Maine Community College System or the president’s designee and the Chancellor of the University of Maine System or the chancellor’s designee are ex officio voting directors. The Director of the State Planning Office or the director’s designee is an ex officio nonvoting director. The Maine Technology Institute Director is a nonvoting director who is recommended by the MTI Board, appointed by the Governor, confirmed by the Senate, and employed by the Department of Economic and Community Development.  Click on the names below to read each Board Member’s biography.

Melissa LaCasse, Chair


Meredith Mendelson

Amberlynn Esperanza, Treasurer

Jake Ward, Vice Chair

Michael Cassata

Ian Swanberg

Rob Pierson

Colin March

Charlotte Mace

Liz Love

Scott Kleiman

Jed Beach

Susan Tapley

Brian Whitney